So i been slacking again, so i figured i would jump on and post a flyer.
Below is a flyer to a neat concert I wish attended. Jimmy Eat world, At the Drive In, and Hot Rod Circuit would of been a killer line up. Don't think i have ever seen Jim Eat World, but At the drive in and Hot Rod Circuit's music was a breath of fresh air back then.
Seeing At the Drive In open live at Tramps in NYC was one of those moments where you hear a sound and find your self rushing to the merch booth once they wrap they're set. If you have never heard the Album " In/casino/out " I highly recommend it.
I recently move out to the west coast and found myself re-discovering Hod Rod Circuit's "If I Knew Now What I Knew Then ". Its a solid listen through and a great sing-a-long in traffic album.
all for now