This flyer holds a bunch of memories. I was friendly with the guy who planned the show, who also happened to be in Chimi-Changa. I recall he was able to do a couple of Fit shows, but i think this was the only one i went to. Definitely one of the longest shows I ever attended in NY. Deadguy was huge at this time and they where damn amazing. They could only be described as pure anger from power tools in hell. Its a bit washed out, but very odd that the times are listed. I can remember buying some hard to find cds from some merch guy, one was a citizen fish cd the other may have been a Bruce lee band record. Keep in mind buying music at this time was still cool and the Internet was believed to be a fad by corporate America. In closing i had a lot of fun at this show and its one of the more vivid memories is still hold on to.
Merry X-mas and happy holiday's